
The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, CA

Have you ever thought about what your favorite color is? And why is color so important?  For me I have multiple favorites because as I look at it, why would I limit myself to just one?! A place that I recently visited that radiates color is the Flower Fields in Carlsbad, California. 

Located between Los Angeles and North San Diego, the Carlsbad Flower Fields are 55 acres of Giant Tecolote Ranunculus flowers that bloom for a short period every year between early March to early May. It is an event that has been occurring for over sixty years and is an important part of the Carlsbad community. Drivers heading North or South on Interstate 5 can see these beautiful fields from the interstate as their colors wave at them when they pass by on their way to their destination.  

A few weeks ago,  I made my annual trip to the fields to get my fill of color and beautiful flowers.  First off, as you walk in toward the fields you are taken aback by a flood of color and content. It’s almost as if your visual senses just drank a Red Bull and you’re hit with the intensity of the amount of color you see.  Once inside you are welcomed to walk on the dirt paths around and among these blooming beauties and it is here that you get the opportunity to get close to admire and “feel” their color.  Fields of reds, yellows, whites, oranges, purples, and pinks along with other solid colors are just the beginning. You will then see fields of mixed patterns of the aforementioned colors blended together and every year I seem to come across a new color variation that Mother Nature concocted herself.  

But visiting the flower fields to photograph these lovely blooms is just one reason for my yearly visit. My ulterior motive is to just soak in all that beautiful color which brings us back to my earlier question of “why is color important?”  Color is intertwined in our daily lives.  It is used to provide structure such as in traffic signals telling us to stop (red), go (green) or to yield (yellow).  Many cultures utilize certain colors and their vibrancy in daily life or special events. It is embraced when celebrating or acknowledging a life milestone such as a wedding or baptism (white) or the death of a love one (black).   Colors have the power to stimulate a thought, action or emotion.

Now you know why I visit the flower fields every year, which is to appreciate and photograph natures beauty and vibrant colors. So whether it’s in Carlsbad, during your daily drive or within your own backyard, you’re invited to take a minute to experience the colors around you. And should you ever find yourself driving down Interstate 5, feel free to “stop and smell the roses”, or in this case the Giant Tecolote Ranunculus blooms at the flower fields in Carlsbad.

Until next time, we’ll sees what comes our way via El Camino Thur My lens.



Do you remember the first photograph you took or that was taken of you? How about a photograph that left a lasting impression? Photographs have had an impact on me since I can remember, and since 2013 this interest has evolved into a growing passion for photography. Through the lens of my camera, I record moments, capture stories, people, events and landscapes in a single frame. Each click is an opportunity to record history for the present moment to enjoy and future to get a glimpse of the past. 

Whether I’m shooting live action sports, capturing scenery or documenting a moment in time, the ability to record that specific event is powerful. It can invoke feelings or memories and perhaps move the viewer to see something in a different perspective or appreciate the composition of a photograph. 

Photography is a medium that allows me to document my story visually. Writing allows me to express my perspective. Merging these two mediums weaves both narratives together and invites readers to come along with me and experience something they may have not seen before. It serves as an outlet for my creativity and a means for communicating my story.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to your comments and hope you enjoy as we travel together and see “El Camino Thru My Lens.”