“Keep Calm and Carry On” ~ London

“Keep Calm and Carry On” is a message that the British are familiar with, especially during World War II. The British government promoted this slogan to encourage their citizens that they needed to persist in the face of challenge.  And persist they did. But now that phrase has taken on a new life since it’s rediscovery in the 2000’s and it still rings true today for many Brits, hence why the phrase has been embraced so much.  

Spending time in London has been active, insightful and broaden my perspective.  This city is a melting pot of many people and cultures with many moving parts. To watch cyclist ride their bikes so fluidly along with traffic, see others jumping on and off the red double decker buses with easy, or utilizing the underground (aka: subway for us non-natives) like nothing, while walking briskly without colliding with one another person impressed me. And the fact they did it “calmly and just carried on” without skipping a beat took my admiration to another level.  

The energy in this city is vibrant and infectious. I would find myself watching these fellow Brits to learn and embrace how they managed this so effortlessly. Most importantly, I had to remind myself not to go down the wrong side of the street as the rules of the road are opposite than those back home. But aside from these observations that I’ve mentioned, I became aware of how the Brits take time to enjoy themselves. 

The British like to get together with their friends or family and what better way than to do it than go to the local pub and have a pint.  Wherever we went in the city, we would find pubs or restaurants around late afternoon buzzing with people, talking, laughing and having their preferred libation. And somewhere in between all of this, they would be watching a soccer game on the telly and cheering their favorite team on or perhaps giving their own “perspective” on what that player should of done to not have missed that goal.

As I mentioned in my previous blog, London has some of the most beautiful parks and the British don’t waste anytime enjoying them. From early in the morning until closing time, the citizens of London were on the move in these parks, walking dogs, jogging, talking with a friend or family member or just taking a nap. And I can’t blame them as these parks are just beautiful and so welcoming and easily accessible. Perhaps it was the fact that people were taking a moment to slow down, socialize and make time for one another that left a good impression on me. It was good to see that feeling of community visible again on a larger scale. 

So if you have the opportunity to visit this lovely city, do it. Come see and feel the pulse of London and learn about it’s great history, see it landmarks and experience it’s lifestyle.  And should something not be going your way or you’ve had a day like no other, remember to take some advice from our friends across the pond and take a deep breath and just “Keep Calm and Carry On”.

Until next time, we’ll see what comes our way via El Camino Thru My Lens 

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2 thoughts on ““Keep Calm and Carry On” ~ London

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Cyndy girl, 💜

    What a wonderful experience traveling amongst the Brits and the beautiful scenery to explore along the way. Thank you for taking us along on n your journey…Carry on…♥️

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