Let’s Go/Vamonos!

 Bags are packed, passport in hand and now it’s time to go!  That’s right..it’s time to go on another adventure and see some new sights as well as to visit some favorites.  Like a kid at Christmas, my excitement to go and travel AGAIN was something that I’ve been looking forward to for the past few months and now it has finally arrived.  So your wondering, “Where are you going? “ Good question!  

Well, I’ll first say that we’ve already gotten on the plane and now are in the beautiful city of London. What a great place to start our trip.  It’s a cosmopolitan city with so much history,  places to explore, and cultures living collectively together.  After a 10 hour flight over the pond, we were welcomed with beautiful weather and felt ready to go out and explore. Jet lag? What’s that?! Yes, I hear you laughing but not to worry as half a day was spent in the sunshine and a good night sleep got us up and running up to speed the next day. 

First off, London has some of the most beautiful parks. The Royal Park system encompasses ten parks throughout the city which covers a total of over 5,000 acres. These historic parklands are just amazing and provide beautiful green landscapes throughout the city, but I’ll touch on that more in depth in my next post.  With a list of things to see and do, it seemed like a good idea to start off with a visit to Buckingham Palace for the changing of the guard

 This traditional ceremony dates back to the reign of King Henry VII and has been performed at the palace since Queen Victoria began her residence there in 1837.  The exchange occurs behind the gates of the palace and the Royal Air Force and Queen’s Guardsmen bands performed for the crowd after the exchange took place. Once they completed their setlist, their procession took them along The Mall,which is the primary ceremonial road located in front of the palace. Watching the Royal Air Force march in their attractive uniforms as well as seeing the Queen’s Guardsmen in their bright red and black uniforms with their large bearskin hats on was a nice showing of their traditional and contemporary military rituals coming together as one.

 And with that, the adventures of El Camino Thru My Lens on the road starts.  Below are some photos of this event and I’ll be posting more very soon to keep you posted and bring you along with me. If you have a minute, please subscribe to the blog site and stay up to date. You will get an email notifying you whenever I post a blog and you can follow and see where my lens will take me. 

 Glad you are coming along on this adventure and look forward to sharing some more photos and observations with you. And as always, feel free to comment and or let me know if you have any questions or thoughts. 

So until next time, be well and we’ll see what comes our way via El Camino Thur My lens.


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